To continue to provide the best online financial experience to our clients, our online financial services provider is always looking for ways to improve our online banking platform. This month, there will be updates happening that require a temporary shutdown of the internal transfers and Bill Pay features of our online banking.

There will be intermittent downtime for internal transfers and Bill Pay on September 23rd-25th.

Please note: If you have an existing payment scheduled to process during the temporary shutdown, the payment will be completed as specified.

To avoid unnecessary inconvenience, please take the following steps:

  • Schedule all Bill Pay payments before September 23rd and check existing payments to make sure they are scheduled correctly to be completed.
  • Complete any necessary internal transfers before September 23rd or after September 25th.
  • Call our team at 406-587-5626 with questions regarding the temporary shutdown before September 23rd.

We appreciate your understanding as we work to improve the online banking experience for all who use our online services! If you have additional concerns about the temporary shutdown, give us a call at 406-587-5626 and one of our Financial Services Representatives will be happy to address your concerns.