Kristin Holley’s appreciation for nature began when her step-father moved her family from Loveland, Colorado to Livingston, Montana. He was an avid outdoorsman, so weekends were filled with fishing trips, exploring ghost towns, year-round camp-outs, and picnics, sledding parties, swimming in leech-infested lakes, hiking, death-defying hill climbing in the old Willy’s jeep, arrowhead hunting and more. The most memorable family adventures were the road trips to Yellowstone Park. Kristin and her sisters sat together in the back seat singing “Davy, Davy Crockett,” at the top of their lungs until they were told to pipe down. All of their outings included identifying trees, wildflowers, weeds, and grasses, and keeping a sharp eye out for wildlife. Over time she developed a love for all living things except for leeches and snakes. And mice.
For decades Kristin has painted for her own pleasure. Her early childhood experiences account for the nature themes that she loves to paint. She has a passion for painting birds, which are her most challenging subjects. She also loves painting farm animals standing out in the snow because snow covers up a multitude of mistakes. She can, and does, paint people, but avoids human subjects unless her composition requires only a rough approximation. She also paints buildings if she has to, but it is not her favorite thing. She has done commission work with mostly successful results; including pet portraits, so unless it’s a portrait of Great-Aunt Gert, she will do her best with your project.