Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is simply getting started. Especially when you’re young and have extra cash for the first time in your life, spending money can be an exhilarating activity. However, what most people don’t realize is that establishing -...
Wealth Management
Determine What Type of Savings Account is Right for You
Saving money can be difficult - especially if you’re in school or just starting your career. Keeping a small nest egg in case of an emergency car repair, unexpected bills, or planning for a large, future purchase is a wise financial strategy. But getting started with...
Is the Stock Market Volatility Giving You Indigestion?
If you’ve been losing sleep over the past month's stock market volatility as you watch your stock portfolio gyrate, perhaps it is time to consider taking some of those funds and investing in your local community bank. Your savings are Federal Deposit Insurance...
Will the Feds Raise Rates?
Bankers get this question a lot – from customers, investors, and our bank boards. There are seemingly endless experts out there with an opinion based upon their assessment of the latest economic data, world events, and the psychology of the individual Fed governors....