Bozeman Art Vault
Since 2012, we’ve hosted over 25 local artists through our artist in residence program, The Bozeman Art Vault. Each artist is provided a reception by Bank of Bozeman…
Blue Jean Friday Giving
Each Friday Bank employees pay to wear blue jeans to work. Proceeds from the staff contributions benefit local area…
Business Financing Options 2018
Starting or expanding a business can be challenging and often impossible for those without the right financial partner looking out for you and your business. That’s why many business owners opt for traditional business loan financing through reputable, established...
7 Things to Do Before Applying for a Mortgage
Buying a house in Montana is a significant endeavor, especially in Bozeman. Between the fluctuating housing market and the nuances of the mortgage process, there are a lot of factors to keep track of in order to secure the house of your dreams. If you’re at the stage...
5 Important Steps to Successfully Securing a Vehicle Loan
Here’s what you need to know before applying for a vehicle loan.Of all the iconic and memorable moments throughout your life, there’s nothing like the first time you get your own set of wheels. Whether it happened when you were a teenager or later into your formative...
Do You Know the Difference Between a Roth IRA and a Traditional IRA?
When preparing for retirement, the general rule of thumb is to plan far ahead - even if retirement doesn’t seem remotely feasible to your current situation. There are two major types of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) that are offered at Bank of Bozeman:...
Success Stories: Dino Drop-In
Dino Drop-In opened the doors to its first location in March of 2016. Just 9 weeks earlier Jessica Dehn, had discovered a business partner on a sledding hill. Already friends, the two mom's began building a drop-in that would raise the standards of drop-in care in the...
Equifax Breach
Many of you have learned of the security breach of Equifax, a major U.S. credit reporting agency. It has been reported that personal information from approximately 143MM U.S. consumers was potentially compromised. There are things that you can do to protect your...
Success Story, The Lindley House
In January 2016 we purchased a beautiful historic downtown Bozeman home, the Lindley House on Lindley Place, with the intent to completely renovate it and run it as a Bed & Breakfast. When we purchased the home, we used seller financing, which allowed us to begin...